Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Catch Up Series: Going to the Beach

Went to the beach. Wasn't a lot of fun. The End.

Love, Lillie

Catch Up Series: Breaks Come in Threes?

I visited my ballet studio a month or so after my injury, you know just to check in and make sure the place hadn't fallen to pieces without me... more like, to make sure that they hadn't forgotten about me!

And I found out that about a week after I broke my foot in class another girl broke elbow, but not in class. I think she fell off of a horse or something like that. Then! A few days later another girls mother was in a car accident and broke her leg!

It is a weak coincidence at best, but it could be said that I was the first of three bad things to happen, and that's how bad things are said to come, in sets of three.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Catch Up Series: Words of Encoragement

Long story short:

I was feeling a little down about my injury; feeling like no one around me understood my frustration. So I decided to take a chance to ask for advice from someone who knew exactly what I was going through...I think I told y'all that I suffered from the same type of break that Ronnie Underwood (First Soloist at Ballet West) suffered from during the second season of Breaking Pointe...ANYWAYS,

I messaged RU on facebook asking him about how he handled his injury and if he had any tips for me. A few days later he responded!!!!!! He suggested watching lots of videos of ballet while recovering and doing lots of ab workouts so that I could return to ballet with an extra strong core. 

I know that he isn't a ballet superstar, but I can now say that I've kind of talked to a professional ballet dancer and that is pretty freaking awesome! He didn't have to take the time to respond to me and it really made my day that he took the time to encourage me. 

Thanks Ron ;)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Catch Up Series: Ding Dong the Cast is Gone!

I have a foot again!  
I can see my entire leg and foot! 
I can take a shower without having to cover up a cast and worry about it getting wet!
I can scratch that annoying itch on the bottom of my foot! 
I can put a sock on my foot if it is cold!
I can do so many things with my foot! 

It's like I'm a whole human again!

but I still can't walk...  :(

Another few weeks with a big boot ( you know the big clunky Velcro kind) and then I can start to put a little bit of pressure on my foot. The doctor confirmed that the bone is healing nicely, but I still had a lot of swelling and bruising so I need to take it slow. 

Let's Catch Up!

It is hard to start this post partly because I feel like I have so little to say, and partly because I feel like I have so much to say. 

Part of the reason I have been so absent from DAB is because the fall semester started at the beginning of September, and like many adult ballet enthusiasts, balancing ballet and my adult life is always a challenge. It takes a while to get back into the swing of things, but I am super pleased with my schedule so far. For those of you haven't taken college classes, your schedule can make or break you.

Over the past few weeks there have been several things that I wanted to write posts about it, but just didn't get around to it so I have decided to kind of make quick bullet list of things that I really want to write about here and then dive deeper into each bullet point in separate posts in the next couple of days! That way I am forced to get those post up, lest I make myself a liar, hahaha!

Catch Up Bullet List: 
(crazy awful title, but I like being literal)
(by the way, I am going to try to put these bullets in chronological order)
(not that the order makes much difference... it just seems neater in my mind)

  • Ding Dong the Cast is Gone!
  • Words of Encouragement - Ronnie Underwood Style
  • Breaks Come in Threes?
  • Going to the Beach
  • New Beginnings - NYC Ballet
  • My Alternative Nutcracker Plans