Saturday, July 27, 2013

My "Breaking Pointe"... Review

Just in case some of you don't know, CW recently aired the season 2 premier of "Breaking Pointe", the reality TV show about a few dancers at Ballet West. I am constantly searching for new documentaries, shows, and videos about ballet, so I was pretty happy when I heard that BP would be returning for a second season. 

I think it is amazing to bring ballet into more mainstream markets, but I have to admit the reality TV style of the show makes me cringe. (I much prefer the fictional and quirky world of Bunheads, but sadly that, I believe, has not been renewed for a second season) I hold my breath for the moments when they show bits of Ballet West's classes, rehearsals,  and performances. Personally I could care less about who is dating whom, and why some girl is mad at another girl... 

But will that stop me from watching the show? 
    Honestly, no! 
    Because how often do you get to see some of the inner workings of a professional ballet company? 

In this first episode we learn that several of the girls will be competing for the coveted role of Cinderella, Rex and Allison have officially broken up, BeckAnne has a new beau, and Ronnie is injured. Having so recently been injured myself (Like just a couple days ago! Ugh, I still can't believe that I broke my foot!!!), it took me aback when Ronnie announced that he is seriously injured and unable to dance. 

Then, Ronnie starts talking about what type of injury he has and I will be the first to admit that I started BALLING the second he said that he fractured his 5th metatarsal, just like me! I guess I wasn't prepared to see how serious my injury might be...I have an appointment next week with an orthopedic doctor to determine if I need surgery or not. Granted, he also broke his 4th metatarsal bone, so I don't think my injury is quite as serious, but only the doctor will be able to tell me. By the end of the episode we learn that Ronnie's foot has become infected after the surgery. I'm not even going to begin to think about how much that scares me, especially if I too require surgery. The series title "Breaking Pointe" definitely has a whole new meaning for me.

Over all, I wish the show was less docuDRAMA and more DOCUdrama, but I am looking forward to seeing where this season goes. 

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